
From time to time, you might find yourself communicating with or receiving messages from third parties, such as our advertisers, sponsors, or promotional partners, as a result of using our site. You might even be redirected to their websites, interact with them directly, or participate in their services or purchase goods from them. Let’s call these third parties the “Advertisers.”

When you engage with these Advertisers, it’s like stepping into a separate shop within a large marketplace. Imagine you’re at a bustling fair. Our site is like the main path, guiding you through various stalls. Some stalls catch your eye with colorful banners or enticing offers. When you decide to stop by and interact with one of these stalls, you’re now dealing with the vendor directly.

All communication, interactions, and transactions between you and the Advertisers are strictly between you and them. Think of it as having a conversation with the vendor at the stall. You’re negotiating directly with them, discussing the terms, and making your purchase or decision based on that interaction. We’re simply the path that led you to their stall, but we’re not involved in the actual conversation or transaction.

If you choose to buy something from these Advertisers or use their services, any promises, guarantees, or agreements are solely between you and the Advertiser. We’re not part of that deal. So, if an Advertiser promises you a special discount or guarantees the quality of their product, that promise is coming from them, not us. We’re not responsible if the product doesn’t meet your expectations or if there’s a problem with the service.

To put it simply, once you step into the Advertiser’s space, you’re in their world, and any agreements, contracts, or purchases are strictly between you and them. We’re like the friendly tour guide who showed you the way but didn’t step into the shop with you. We can’t be held accountable for what happens between you and the Advertiser because we’re not part of that conversation or transaction.

For example, let’s say you see an ad on our site for a photography workshop by one of our sponsors. You click on the ad, get redirected to their site, and decide to sign up for the workshop. You’re now dealing directly with the workshop provider. They might send you emails, provide instructions, or require payment. All of these interactions and the terms of your participation in the workshop are managed by the provider, not us. If something goes wrong, like the workshop gets canceled or doesn’t meet your expectations, you’ll need to address it with the workshop provider.

We want you to have great experiences and find valuable offers, but it’s important to understand that our role ends once you engage with the Advertiser. Any deals, warranties, or service terms are theirs to uphold. We’re not involved in those promises and can’t be held liable if they don’t fulfill them.

So, as you explore and engage with these Advertisers, remember that your interactions are directly with them. It’s like entering into a new conversation where we’re not present. We hope you find great value and exciting opportunities, but just keep in mind that any issues or concerns will need to be taken up with the Advertiser directly.